Platform strategies

How and why does a platform like Google function so well? On the one side you have users who search and access information for free, and on the other you have companies who pay for ads. But how does such a complex system maintain itself and remain successful over the years?

This is the kind of questions that this course aims to answer. In academic terms, the course builds on the platform and network aspects in core strategy and aims to highlight the specific strategies for firms operating in platform-mediated-networks (PMN). Firms in platform-mediated-networks face certain challenges atypical of usual product or service firms: they operate in multi-sided markets, face network effects that allow only few firms to exist as platform intermediaries, and traditional rules for pricing fail in such markets.

The course will be taught through a set of cases that ensures that participants appreciate the multi-dimensional nature of managing in network businesses.

The seminar is delivered by Prof. R Srinivasan who is a guest lecturer coming from the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, and who specialises in multi-sided platform organizations, strategy processes in rapid growth organizations, and competitive, corporate and international strategies.
Through the years Prof. Srinivasan has accumulated not only knowledge but also experience with helping platform firms set up the right business models and successful strategies.

You can visit his blog about his research, consulting and teaching interests. It provides insights about strategy in general, digital strategy, and what it means for firms, especially start-ups, and platform business models, with a focus on Indian firms.

To join the course, please request membership using the studon link.

Lecture dates:

– Tuesday, October 23rd, 2018, LG 4.154, 17h30 – 20h30
– Wednesday, October 24th, 2018, LG 4.154, 17h30 – 20h30
– Thursday, October 25th, 2018, LG 4.154, 17h30 – 20h30
– Friday, October 26th, 2018, JOSEPHS, 17h30 – 20h30
– Saturday, October 27th, 2018, JOSEPHS, 13h00 – 16h00

Grading structure:

  • Project report: Students develop in teams a business plan about a platform business idea (50% of module score)
  • Handout: Students develop individually an essay about a platform of their choice, discuss key concepts encountered during the lectures and apply them to the chosen platform. (50% of module score)

Address of JOSEPHS:

Karl-Grillenberger-Straße 3
90402 Nürnberg


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